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A Message to the Community - January 6, 2021

A Message to the community of Antigonish,

On behalf of Town and County Councils, we wanted to share a message to the community regarding the recent announcement of a positive COVID-19 case from StFX University. 

We recognize and empathize with residents about the anxiety that this news may have caused for you and your family. The Town and County are committed to continuing our work with StFX, as well as our local health care providers, but we will need your support in order to protect the health and safety of our community. It is important for us all to remain vigilant and continue to follow the public health guidelines that have been set by the province, including:

  • Keep wearing your mask
  • Wash your hands
  • Practice social distancing
  • Cleaning high touch surfaces regularly

StFX has comprehensive protocols for students who are required to isolate both on and off campus, as well as procedures for any confirmed cases. These plans were developed with support from Nova Scotia Public Health and available for anyone to read at

All students arriving from outside Atlantic Canada are required to isolate. Those who are quarantining arrived in Antigonish on January 5 or 6 so they can complete their isolation before the start of in-person classes. The Town, County and StFX lobbied the Province of Nova Scotia to bring back mandated testing for the Winter Semester. Unfortunately, the province was unable to commit to providing this service due to the uncertainty of where resources would be required after the holidays. At this stage, it is up to the students to make their own appointments for testing and conduct their required daily check-ins.

 Now is our opportunity to step up and support one another as a community. Please, continue to monitor your own health, be attentive with how you are feeling and stay home if you are unwell. Anyone who thinks they may have symptoms is urged to complete the COVID-19 self-assessment online or phone 811 immediately.

We are all in this together.


Mayor Laurie Boucher & Warden Owen McCarron

To download a PDF copy of this message, pdf click here.  (151 KB)

To download a PDF copy of StFX's Message from Dr. Andy Hakin from January 5, 2021, pdf click here.  (154 KB)

To download a PDF copy of StFX's Message regarding a second positive COVID-19 case from January 9,  pdf click here. (139 KB)

Get in Touch

Town of Antigonish
274 Main Street
Antigonish, Nova Scotia
Canada B2G 2C4

Phone: (902) 863-2351
Fax: (902) 863-0460 / (902) 863-9201

Town Hall hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
