Tenders & RFPs

PLEASE NOTE: Town of Antigonish tender opportunities are posted to Nova Scotia Government Tender Notices.

Please read the instructions for each tender carefully. Tenders that require a fee will note if the tender package can be picked up at Town Hall, or if the documents are to be picked up at the consultant's location.

Town of Antigonish, Town Hall is located at:

274 Main St.,
NS B2G 2C4


Open Tenders:

 The Town is seeking a qualified consultant to provide consultant engineering services to design, tender, and oversee construction of the Antigonish Sewage Treatment Plant Screening System and Headworks. The tender document can be found on the Nova Scotia Procurement Portal: https://procurement-portal.novascotia.ca/tenders/TOA-STP-RFP. Proposals will be accepted until 2p.m. on February 19, 2025.


The Town of Antigonish is seeking proposals from qualified accounting firms to provide external auditing services for the next five (5) fiscal years ending March 31, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 and 2029. The RFP document can be found on the Nova Scotia Procurement Portal: https://procurement-portal.novascotia.ca/tenders/TOA-2025-02-07. Proposals will be accepted until 2pm on February 28, 2025.


pdf NSFM Standing Offer Notice: (75 KB)

The Town of Antigonish intends to participate in one or more procurements conducted by NSFM/RMA from April 2021-March 2022. For more information visit www.merx.com.  


Closed Tenders:

Housing Density Increase, Zoning, and Bylaw Review 

Accessibility Plan Update

RFP closed. Four proposals were recieved. Contract awarded to Left Turn Right Turn Ltd. for $12,510 + HST. 

Sewer Cleaning Project 2024

Tender Awarded to GFL Environmental with a bid of $48,225.39    

Salt Hauling Tender

Tender Closed. Tender awarded to Finley Brophy Trucking with a bid of $18360.00 

Waste Collection Services for Downtown Litter Cans

The Town opted to void the search for external waste collection for the Downtown Litter Cans following a review of all RFQ submissions. An external service contract is no longer required due to a change in organizational needs. 

Sandlot Baseball Field Accessible Pathway Upgrade

Tender awarded to Dexter Construction for a bid price of $44,860 + HST. 

Lagoon Sludge Removal and Transport

Tender awarded to GFL with  a price of  $465,361.60. 

Net Zero Community Engagement & Implementation Plan

 RFP Closed. Contract awarded to Sean Kelly Consulting & Lara Ryan Consulting for a project budget of $34,750+HST. 

 RFQ - Arbor Drive Park Trail Construction

RFQ closed. Contract awrded to Grays Greenhouses for $52,000 + HST.

 Town of Antigonish Volunteer Fire Department 2024 Pumper/Tanker RFQ

RFQ Closed. One submission recieved from Fort Gary Fire Trucks with a quote of $945,210 +HST. Submission is under review and has not been awarded. 

Hawthorne Street Paving

Tender awarded to  Nova Construction with a bid of $257,310.00.


2024 Town Hall Lighting RFQ

RFQ awarded to Air Energy Solutions with a quote of $5,487.00

2024 Hawthorne Curb Tender

Tender awrded to  BD Clifton with a bid of $165,340. 

2024 Active Transportation Corridor - James Street to Highland Drive

Awarded to Dexter Construction for the bid price of $630,096.00 + HST.  

Town of Antigonish - Request for Quotations for Audio Services for Canada Day and Christmas Events

Three submissions recieved. AV services to be provided by One Stop Entertainment. 

Town of Antigonish Bethany Tank Relining Project

Awarded to  Allsteel  for $2,154,816.00 + HST.

Town of Antigonish  2024 Asphalt Patching Project

Awarded to Dexter with a bid of  $217,599.48 + HST.

Tender - 2024 Active Transportation Corridor - Trunk 4 to James Street 

After a comprehensive review, the Town adjusted the original scope of work to the construction of the active transportation rail from Trunk 4 to James Street and awarded the tender to Dexter for a bid of $268,121 + HST.

Request for Proposals - Consulting Engineering Services RFP Bay St Municipal
Servicing Upgrades

Awarded to  WSP. with a bid of $204,872.

Get in Touch

Town of Antigonish
274 Main Street
Antigonish, Nova Scotia
Canada B2G 2C4

Phone: (902) 863-2351
Fax: (902) 863-0460 / (902) 863-9201

Town Hall hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
