Employment Opportunities

Current Job Postings.

Summer Camp Leader

The Town of Antigonish is now accepting applications for the Summer Camp Leader. This is a full-time, seasonal position.

Reporting to the Summer Camp Coordinator, the Summer Camp Leader will be responsible for the safe delivery of summer camp programs. In addition, there may be opportunity for this individual to take a role in Town hosted programming.

The full job description is in our Indeed job posting. Interested candidates should submit a resume along with an accompanying cover letter by 12 noon, Friday, April 4 through our Indeed job posting. CLICK HERE. Applications previously sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. will be transferred to the Indeed platform.

Camp Coordinator

The Town of Antigonish is now accepting applications for the Camp Coordinator. This is a full-time, seasonal position.

Reporting to the Summer Recreation Intern, this person will assist in summer camp planning, registration, and general duties pertaining to the delivery of summer recreation camps and programs.

The full job description is in our Indeed job posting. Interested candidates should submit a resume along with an accompanying cover letter by 12 noon, Friday, April 4 through our Indeed job posting. CLICK HERE. Applications previously sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. will be transferred to the Indeed platform.

Expression of Interest - On-Call School Crossing Guard

The Town of Antigonish is looking for individuals who would be interested in submitting their name to be an on-call School Crossing Guard.  

For a full list of requirements and qualifications for a School Crossing Guard,  pdf please click here. (124 KB)

If interested, individuals are asked to please submit a resume to S/Cst. John Pellerin via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or in person at Town Hall at 274 Main Street.

Get in Touch

Town of Antigonish
274 Main Street
Antigonish, Nova Scotia
Canada B2G 2C4

Phone: (902) 863-2351
Fax: (902) 863-0460 / (902) 863-9201

Town Hall hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
