Dear Residents of Antigonish,
The Town and County wanted to put out a message to encourage everyone to stay close to Antigonish for the next few weeks. With COVID numbers on the rise in other parts of the province now is the time to stay home, shop here, and support our local businesses. These are the businesses that give back to our community, now it is our turn to do what we can to support them.
We have been trusting the recommendations from NS Health and Dr. Strang since the onset of COVID-19 and now is no different. As Dr. Strang and Premier McNeil said, trips to HRM must be for essential purposes only. Let’s buckle down and work hard to flatten the curve again. We must be as diligent as we were back in the first wave of COVID back in March, April, and May.
Our Antigonish By Choice Shop Local Campaign launches on Friday, November 27. This year we have 34 businesses participating, many of whom will be offering draws, discounts or other special holiday incentives. Many downtown businesses are also offering extended shopping hours for the Moonlight Madness event on Friday, November 27. For more information on the Antigonish By Choice Campaign visit or search Antigonish By Choice on Facebook.
Thank you and stay well.
Mayor Laurie Boucher, Town of Antigonish
Warden Owen McCarron, Municipality of the County of Antigonish