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Are you interested in joining a Town committee?

The Town of Antigonish is looking for members of the community to join various committees.

“It’s important to have input and feedback from the community on the various topics our committees cover,” says Mayor Laurie Boucher. “The involvement from the community is a key component to the work these committees do.”

The Town has vacancies on the Audit Committee and the Antigonish Town and County RCMP Advisory Board. For more information on each committee, please see below.

If you are interested in joining any of these committees, please submit a letter of interest and resume to the attention of: Dianne Wilson, Deputy Clerk. The letter and resume can be sent via email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or dropped off to Town Hall, 274 Main Street, at the front counter. 

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee consists of all members of Council as well as a member from the community who is not a member of Council or an employee of the Town.

The Committee is looking for a member from the community to fill a vacant seat. This individual should have experience and/or education in reading financial statements.

The Audit Committee meets twice in each fiscal year. 

Antigonish Town & County RCMP Advisory Board

The function of the Board is to provide advice to both municipal councils in relation to the enforcement of law, the maintenance of law and order, and the prevention of crime in the municipalities.

The mandate of the Board is:

  • To determine objectives and goals respecting police services in the community in consultation with the chief officer or the chief officer’s designate;
  • To ensure the chief officer established programs and strategies to implement the priorities, objectives, and goals representing the police services;
  • To ensure that community needs and values are reflected in policing priorities, objectives, goals, programs, and services;
  • To ensure that police services are delivered in a manner consistent with community values, needs, and expectations;
  • To act as a conduit between the community and the police department;
  • To recommend policies, administrative, and organizational direction for the effective management of the police department; and
  • To review with the chief officer or the designate, information provided by the chief officer respecting complaints and internal discipline.

The Board includes two members from both councils, two members of the County and two members from the Town who are not councillors or municipal employees, and one member appointed by the Minister of Justice.

The Board meets quarterly on the first Thursday of January, March, June, and September at 5:30 p.m. 

Get in Touch

Town of Antigonish
274 Main Street
Antigonish, Nova Scotia
Canada B2G 2C4

Phone: (902) 863-2351
Fax: (902) 863-0460 / (902) 863-9201

Town Hall hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
