Latest News

Canada Day Announcement

The Town of Antigonish has made the difficult decision to cancel our annual Canada Day Celebrations at Columbus Field due to COVID-19. This decision was made after careful consideration and following the advice being given by public health officials.

The Town, alongside a team of partners, is working on developing a revised and virtual Canada Day event that will feature local entertainment and many familiar faces. This event will bring our community together, even when we need to be apart. More information will be available in the coming weeks, so please stay tuned to the Town’s social media and website for updates.

Get in Touch

Town of Antigonish
274 Main Street
Antigonish, Nova Scotia
Canada B2G 2C4

Phone: (902) 863-2351
Fax: (902) 863-0460 / (902) 863-9201

Town Hall hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
