At a special meeting held on May 23, 2023, Antigonish Town Council unanimously approved the 2023-2024 municipal budget of $12,626,630 in operating costs and a capital project plan valued at $3,490,181. The budget was approved with no changes to tax rates for residential and commercial properties.
“This is a good news budget,” says Mayor Laurie Boucher. “Council is pleased to see that accessibility and safety are key elements to this year’s budget. There are also considerable investments in community enhancement initiatives, and a remarkable capital plan with no increase in residential or commercial tax rates.”
Construction will begin on the Town’s Active Transportation (AT) Trail that, when complete, will connect with the County’s AT route on the Trunk 4, go down West Street and connect to St. Ninian Street, through to Columbus Field and out to the Landing.
“Town council is excited to see construction begin this year on the first section of the Active Transportation Trail. It’s a multi-year project that will be a wonderful addition to our community. It will be an attractive, safe, and accessible option for our residents to support a healthy and active lifestyle,” says Mayor Boucher.
The Town is committed to creating an accessible and safe community. In this year’s budget are monies allocated to tactile plates for intersections. Three new crosswalk beacons will be purchased, all of the pedestrian call buttons will be replaced, and the Antigonish Town Volunteer Fire Department will receive monies needed to purchase a new jaws of life.
This year’s capital project plan includes $441,000 in paving projects, $223,000 in sidewalk improvements, $400,000 in bridge work, $292,000 in upgrades for the Town’s storm and sanitary systems, and $162,000 for a design of upgrades for Bay Street. Construction work on Bay Street will follow next year.
The Town’s partnership with Alternative Resource Energy Authority (AREA) and its 63% ownership of the Ellershouse Windfarm has resulted in $400,000 contribution to this year’s capital project plan. Additional funding sources for the Town’s capital plants include $339,784 from the Canada Community Building Fund (formally referred to as the Federal Gas Tax Program), $952,678 in provincial and federal grant funding, and $73,333 in shared project costs with the Municipality of the County of Antigonish for improvements to the Sewer Treatment Plant and other sewer infrastructure. Transfers from the AREA dividend, reserve funds, and other revenue make up the remining $1,724,385 for the capital project plan.
"Clean-up efforts and repairs to damage caused by Hurricane Fiona are still ongoing. We have had many downed trees in areas that could not be addressed before the winter so we are going back in areas around Chisholm and Carin Park to get them cleaned up. says Mayor Boucher. “We are also starting phase one of work on one of our Ball Field 3 at the Regional to address drainage and grading issues so our growing baseball community has better field access following heavy rain storms. This work will start at the tail end of the upcoming season as to not disrupt the current schedule.”
The Town will support and partner with local community organizations with $183,000 allocated to the Community Grant Program. The Town is also proud to continue to support the Antigonish Arena, Antigonish Community Transit, Antigonish Affordable Housing, and the Antigonish Heritage Museum.
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