Information for those looking to make donations to support residents of Indian Gardens:
Non-monetary drop-offs can be made to Mary MacLellan who has set up two sea cans to collect and sort donations. The donation site is located in the Smith and Fraser Mobile Home Parking Lot in Lower South River. Items can be dropped off from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, November 27.
To contact Mary about donating, she can be reached at 902-318-0056.
Items that may be dropped off include jackets, coats, gentle used footwear (boots, slippers, running shoes), sweaters, hoodies/lounging clothes, bedding, towels, personal hygiene items, feminine products, and gift cards.
Any individual or organization looking to make a financial donation can do so through East Coast Credit Union. East Coast Credit Union has set up a special account with the Knights of Columbus for this cause. The Knights will be working with residents to distribute funds to residents who need support.
You can visit or contact any East Coast Credit Union branch to make a donation.