CBCL Limited, an engineering and environmental design consulting firm, is working with the Eastern District Planning Commission to prepare flood mapping for the South/West primary watershed area in Antigonish.
This flood mapping study will help to identify flood risk areas along the South River, West River, Brierly Brook, Wrights River, as well as the coastline within Antigonish Harbour and north along the coast to Cape George. The study area includes the Town of Antigonish.
They have prepared a Flood Questionnaire for members of the community to fill out with observations and concerns about flooding. They are seeking input from those who may have observed past floods in the region and would like to hear concerns about flood prone or vulnerable areas.
To fill out the Questionnaire visit: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/South-WestFloodStudy. It will be open until February 14, 2023.