The Town of Antigonish is conducting a sealed bid auction of surplus equipment no longer required. Individuals may bid on any of the listed equipment in a sealed envelope marked ‘Municipal Auction’, by including their name, address, phone number, interested item, amount ofbid and a deposit of $50.00.
The sealed envelope can be dropped off or mailed to Town of Antigonish, 274 Main Street,Antigonish, NS B2G 2C4.
Bids will be accepted up to 4:00 PM, on Thursday, October 12, 2017.Once a bid has been accepted, the successful bidder will have two (2) weeks to make paymentin full and remove the item from municipal property. Failure to do so will result in the successfulbidder forfeiting ownership of the item and the $50.00 deposit.
The successful bidder accepts the item “as is”. Vehicles may be viewed at the Public Works yard between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
- One (1) only 1978 GMC Model Sierra 6500 V8 (pumper fire truck)
- One (1) only 1986 GMC Model 7000 (tanker fire truck)
The Town reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids deemed in the best interest of theTown of Antigonish.
pdf Specification Sheet (191 KB)
1978 GMC Model Sierra 6500 V8 (pumper fire truck)