This walking tour will take you to some of the Town's most historically and architecturally significant buildings, providing you with a window into the Town's recent and distant past. Go to the heritage tour of the Town.
The Town of Antigonish has a rich and diverse history. The name Antigonish comes from the area's original inhabitants the Mi'kmaq. Today, many residents have strong ties to Scotland and the Town has been home to the famous Antigonish Highland Games since 1863.
Traces of the Town's long history can still be seen in many of the older heritage buildings which have been preserved throughout the years. All of our heritage buildings have a story and are historically significant in their own way to our Town's past. Many of the heritage buildings in Town were constructed over 100 years ago offering a window into the past.
Descendants of early settlers still reside in the Town of Antigonish and the surrounding areas today. A few of the more common and oldest surnames in the area include MacDonald, MacIsaac, MacPherson, MacDougall, MacGillivray, Chisholm, Fraser, Campbell, Stewart, and Gillis.
Some of the more common architectural styles that can be found in Town include, Greek Revival, Gothic Revival, and Italianate. For more information about different architectural styles please refer to the following guide: Heritage House Notes & Built Heritage Research Guide