The Province of Nova Scotia has introduced Bill 407, the Antigonish Consolidation Act on February 27, 2024. Before tabling the bill, the Honourable John Lohr, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing introduced Mayor Laurie Boucher, Warden Owen McCarron and other representatives from Antigonish who were in the gallery at the Nova Scotia Legislature.
“We are very excited to see that the legislation was introduced, and we are ready to move forward consolidating our two municipalities into one,” says Mayor Boucher. “I wholeheartedly believe this is the right move for our community. Looking ahead five, 10, 20 years, I am confident of the positive impact this will have on municipal service delivery, infrastructure investment, and enhancement of rural and urban areas of our community."
The bill will continue through the legislative process. If passed, the Town and the County will begin working to consolidate the two units into one by November 1, 2024 as described in the legislation.
“We are very pleased the province introduced this legislation and sees the value in consolidating the Town and County,” said Warden McCarron. “We are eager to get started on this important work so that together can meet and exceed the needs of the future. We want to create a stronger Antigonish going forward and enhance the services we currently provide.”
In October 2022, both Town and County councils voted to move forward with consolidation. Both councils passed motion that stated: Municipal / Town Council requests the provincial government consolidate the Municipality of the County of Antigonish and the Town of Antigonish into one municipal unit through special legislation.
In January 2024, a letter was sent to Mayor Boucher and Warden McCarron from Minister Lohr asking both councils to confirm their votes from October 2022 with another motion from Council. Both Councils again voted to reaffirm their decision to request special legislation to consolidate the two units into one.
“There is a lot of work to be done,” says Warden McCarron. “We are prepared for the task before us, and we will do it together.”“This is a historical moment for our community, and one we believe will create a stronger community for all,” says Mayor Boucher.
Bill 407 can be found here: