Public Notice: Water Break - Pleasant Street
The Town of Antigonish Water Utility is advising residents of a water main break on College Street.
The Town of Antigonish Water Utility is advising residents of a water main break on College Street.
Please be advised that on Monday, November 7, 2022 paving preparation work will begin on Tigo Park, South Court Street, Malcolm Court and a portion of Brookland Street.
Please be advised that due to a water valve repair, water will be temporarily shut off on Tuesday, November 1 beginning at 9 a.m.
Please be advised that Fall Hydrant Flushing will continue on Monday, November 7.
Town of Antigonish
274 Main Street
Antigonish, Nova Scotia
Canada B2G 2C4
Phone: (902) 863-2351
Fax: (902) 863-0460 / (902) 863-9201
Town Hall hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm