Residents are reminded to exercise caution and to please be patient as snow plowing and removal activities take place this winter season.
Public Works also advises residents of the following policies and regulations with respect to snow removal activity within the Town.
Parking Regulations:
- Overnight Winter Parking Ban extends from Dec 1st to April 15th and restricts vehicles being left at the roadside and in Town-owned parking lots from 12 a.m. to 7 a.m.
- The Winter Parking Ban helps with effective snow removal services.
- Vehicles left on the streets are subject to fines and being towed at the owner’s expense.
- For more information, visit: Town of Antigonish Winter Parking.
- Residents are advised that following a major snowfall, priority is given to making the main streets passable for emergency vehicle access. (i.e., Main Street, Hawthorne Street, St. Ninan Street, etc.).
- Once these efforts are reasonably complete, work crews will move to subdivision areas and then will work to widen street access throughout the Town.
- Residents are reminded that shovelling, plowing, snow plowing or otherwise depositing snow onto Town streets is prohibited under the Town’s Snow Removal Bylaw.
- Similar to street clearing work, sidewalks are cleared according to a predetermined schedule, with priority being given to sidewalks that predominantly handle school children walking to schools.
- During and after major storms, one sidewalk per street will be cleared according to the area of priority.
- Sidewalk clearing will generally occur after street clearing activity has been commenced.
- It is not the intention of plow operators to purposely fill in residential driveways with snow. Various competing factors such as trees, power poles, fences, hedges, and multiple adjacent driveways all increase the challenges faced by plow operators.
- When vehicles block streets or are not fully parked in driveways it impacts the plow operator’s ability to effectively clear the street. Accumulating Snow and Removal:
- With numerous snowfalls throughout the season, there may be a need to push snow well back from the curb area and onto various residential lawns. This is required for additional space for snow storage, as well as access to available storm drainage and local fire hydrants.
Snow Safety:
- Please remind children to stay off materials as the banked snow is loose and unstable.
- Care should also be exercised by children not to build tunnels in banked materials as snowplow operators are unable to see children under these conditions.
- Please be mindful that hoods worn by children muffle the sound of approaching snow removal equipment.
Your continued cooperation and patience are much appreciated during these winter conditions. If you have any questions regarding the Town’s snow removal policy, please phone 902-867-5575 or visit the Seasonal Maintenance page on our website.