To the Antigonish Community,
As we approach Thanksgiving weekend, we wanted to take the time to share a reminder about the importance of following public health measures to keep your family, neighbours and community safe as the risk of COVID-19 is still present.
As we make plans to welcome families into our home or go visit others, please remember that groups larger than 10 should follow physical distancing rules. Remember to consider those who may be vulnerable or at risk within your family or friend group and adjust your Thanksgiving plans accordingly.
If you have family or friends visiting from outside the Atlantic Bubble, they must self-isolate for 14 days before meeting others. In addition, if you leave the Atlantic Bubble, you must make the proper arrangements and be prepared isolate for 14 days upon your return to Atlantic Canada.
If you rent your cottage or home, it is important to do your due diligence and if guests are arriving from outside Atlantic Canada they need to be reminded that they cannot leave the property or have visitors over until their isolation is complete. Rotational workers who are self-isolating are reminded that although the provincial government has eased some of their isolation requirements, they are still not permitted to have people from outside their household visit their home or go to another person’s home during their self-isolation period.
Over the last number of months, we have all made significant changes to our daily lives and the way we move about our community to reduce the spread of COVID-19. As we approach the holiday weekend, we urge you to follow similar practices to help mitigate the risk to our community. Remember to be kind. The holidays can be stressful for some and the pandemic may present additional anxieties. Let’s all be sure to take the time to check in with our neighbours, thank our front line workers who continue to keep our community running, and reach out to those who may not be able to be with their families.
Both Councils extend our sincere thanks to the residents of the Town and County for all they have done to follow the regulations set by the Province of Nova Scotia and public health. For information and updates on news, alerts and restrictions for Nova Scotians, visit: The pandemic has presented us all with a number of challenges and we are not back to our normal yet, but we need to trust in one another that we can get through this together.
Laurie Boucher
Mayor, Town of Antigonish
Owen McCarron
Warden, Municipality of the County of Antigonish
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