At a Regular Council Meeting held on Monday, March 21, 2022, Town Council voted via resolution to approve a temporary increase to the taxicab transport rate by $1.00. This increase will bring the flat rate for all fares within Town limits to a maximum of $8.00 inclusive of all applicable taxes. The temporary adjustment to taxicab fares expires on May 16, 2022.
The request for increase was brought forward by owners and operators of the local taxicab industry at the beginning of March. Their request noted the recent inflation of gas prices and other expenses have put significant strain and challenges on the taxi industry’s ability to serve the community. The last amendment to taxicab fares was made in 2015 in response to climbing gas prices. At this time the cost per fare was changed from $6.00 to $7.00.
“Our taxicab industry is a vital component of our transportation network. This request to adjust fares is not unique to Antigonish. Other municipalities across Nova Scotia have received requests from their local industry in response to the pressures that have come with the sharp rise in gas prices and other expenses,” said Laurie Boucher, Mayor of the Town of Antigonish.
In a discussion with local taxicab owners and operators, it was determined that there was a need to further evaluate the most appropriate method for determining taxi fares. Town staff will conduct a rate review over the next eight weeks to determine the structure of the rate, variances for changes in time of day, type of service, additional charges for multiple stops, etc.
The Town, along with taxicab owners and operators, recognize the impact changes in fares may have on members of the Antigonish community who depend on taxi services. Special consideration will be made to consider the social and economic impacts to the community and the Town is committed to conducting ongoing engagement with local groups such as the Antigonish Coalition to End Poverty as staff undertake the review process.
“Everyone is feeling the pressure of the increased cost of living. The Town is not aiming to put additional stress on individuals who rely on regular taxi service to move about our community. Our goal is to help provide the immediate relief the taxi industry needs and then to fairly look a modernizing the rate structure to better reflect the needs of the industry and its users,” said Mayor Boucher.
Staff will bring forward a recommendation to Council through the Police and License Committee following the review of the rate structure outlined in the existing Taxicab By-law.
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