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Town Council Approves 2020-2021 Budget

Antigonish Town Council unanimously approved the 2020-2021 municipal budget with $10,732,092.36 in operational costs and a capital project plan of $2,118,500 at a Special Council Meeting held on Monday, June 8, 2020, via video conference.

The Town’s 63% ownership in the Ellershouse Windfarm partnership and continued success with Alternative Resource Energy Authority (AREA) has resulted in $720,000 in contributions to the overall capital plan. Transfers from the Town’s operational reserves will fund rollover projects from the previous year and make-up $368,000 of the capital budget with additional funding support that includes $150,000 in shared costs from community partnerships with the Municipality of the County of Antigonish and St. Francis Xavier University, as well as $315,000 from the Federal Gas Tax Grant Program. Tax revenue and $190,000 from the Town’s capital reserves make up the final components of the total projects budget.

“Our Council is very pleased to have undergone another successful budget process this year that highlights the importance of effective partnerships that result in continued investment in community enhancement projects,” said Mayor Laurie Boucher. “We can’t deny that COVID-19 has had an impact on our Town and the people that live and work in our community. During this time many people have experienced financial stress and the Town did not want to add to that burden by increasing taxes. By working with staff our Council was able to ensure that the Town was able to still undertake a variety of capital projects that will add to the vibrancy, accessibility and safety of our community with no changes to the residential and commercial tax rate.”

Highlights of the Town’s ambitious capital plan this year that includes $688,000 for nine street and parking lot paving projects, 80 percent of which are covered through cost-sharing initiatives, reserve funding and the federal gas tax income. In addition, the Town has set aside $243,000 for sidewalk repairs, $50,0000 for crosswalk beacons and $100,000 for refurbishment of the Town’s racquet courts on Main Street.

Through the Town’s general operations, staff will be conducting a comprehensive update to the physical activity strategy, developing a community accessibility plan and creating a public notice/alert system for residents. Many of the operational and capital projects the Town has set for the upcoming year are consistent with the community’s top priorities while keeping our social, fiscal, and environmental well-being top of mind, as identified in the recently adopted Municipal Planning Strategy.

The Town is also continuing to support local community groups through the Community Grant program and investment in vital community programming such as Antigonish Community Transit, the St. Martha’s Regional Hospital Foundation and the Antigonish Heritage Museum. The Town and Municipality of the County of Antigonish will also be completing the work on the highly anticipated Dog Park later this year, which will be located behind Club 60 on Frank McGibbon Lane.

To download a PDF copy of this media release and the budget breakdown images,  pdf click here.  (435 KB)

Get in Touch

Town of Antigonish
274 Main Street
Antigonish, Nova Scotia
Canada B2G 2C4

Phone: (902) 863-2351
Fax: (902) 863-0460 / (902) 863-9201

Town Hall hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
