Antigonish Town Council approved the 2021-2022 municipal budget with $11,552,234 in operational costs and a capital project plan of $2,822,300 at a Special Council Meeting held on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, via video conference. Town Council’s budget approval comes with a $0.01 tax rate increase for residential and commercial properties. The residential tax rate increase is now $1.10 per $100 of assessment and $2.62 per $100 of assessment for commercial properties.
“For the past three years, the Town has maintained the lowest residential tax rate compared to towns of similar sizes in Nova Scotia. Town Council did not make this decision lightly, especially after acknowledging the difficult year both residents and businesses have had because of the pandemic,” said Mayor Laurie Boucher. “With overall assessment values down on average, combined with decreases in provincial and federal grants in lieu, Council’s focus was on determining how best to improve the Town’s service delivery, while also understanding the significant impact our capital plans will have on enhancing the accessibility, safety, and vibrancy of our community.”
The Town’s continued success with Alternative Energy Resource Energy Authority (AREA) and its 63% ownership in the Ellershouse Windfarm has resulted in a $785,000 contribution to the Town’s capital project plan. Additional sources of funding to the Town’s capital plan include $657,000 in the Federal Gas Tax Program, $148,000 in federal and provincial grant funding, and $120,000 in shared project costs. Transfers from the Town’s capital reserves, tax revenue, and $739,000 from the Town’s capital reserves make up the final components of the total capital budget.
Work being undertaken through the capital plan include six bundled projects which include $484,000 in paving, $256,000 in sidewalk repairs, as well as an additional $315,000 for bridge work. The Town’s Community Development Department will be conducting $784,800 of the capital work that includes replacing the overhead lighting at the Regional Sports Field, crosswalk improvements, initiating the formal design phase of the Active Transportation Corridor, replacement of the Town Fire Department’s Bay Doors, and further improvements to the Dog Park and Sandlot Baseball Field.
Other key initiatives set through the Town’s general operations for the upcoming year include Destination Development Planning for Antigonish’s tourism sector, investments in the Town’s beautification and placemaking initiatives, the first phase of a Parks and Recreation Master Plan, a downtown parking study, and the completion of the Accessibility Action Plan.
“The priorities set through this budget are consistent with the Town’s Municipal Planning Strategy and focus on improving our community’s social, fiscal, and environmental well-being,” said Mayor Boucher. “Along with these ambitious projects, the Town remains committed to furthering our strong relationships with the Municipality of the County of Antigonish, Paqtnkek First Nation and StFX for the betterment of our community.”
The Town is also continuing to support vital community-led programming through the Community Grant Program, as well as making key investments with the County, StFX and the St. Martha’s Regional Hospital Foundation that support vital positions such as the Community Navigator and Regional Emergency Management Coordinator.
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