On June 17, 2024, during its regular monthly council meeting, Antigonish Town Council approved the 2024-2025 municipal budget of $13,061,933 in operating costs and a Capital Project Plan valued at $24,482,681. Council’s budget approval comes with a $0.02 tax rate increase for residential and commercial properties. With this change, the residential tax rate is now $1.13 per $100 of assessment and the commercial property rate is now $2.65 per $100 of assessment.
“Even with this two-cent increase, the Town of Antigonish has the lowest tax rate of all the towns in the province by 30 cents,” says Mayor Laurie Boucher. “Our capital projects are the driving force behind this year’s budget. We are making significant contributions to projects related to upgrades to underground infrastructure for the water utility, and exciting upgrades to the electric utility that involve increasing its capacity.”
The last year has presented the Town with varied revenue challenges, including lower dividends from the utilities and the Alternative Resource Energy Authority, a decrease in deed transfer tax revenue, and an increase in the provincial education contribution.
“Despite these hurdles, we have worked diligently to create a budget that addresses these gaps, sustains our operations, and allows us to leverage funding from our partners to invest in the future of our community,” says Mayor Boucher.
Key items in this budget include $55,000 for the municipal election scheduled in October, $199,044 distributed to local community organizations through the Community Grant Program, and $30,000 to the Affordable Housing Society.
The 2024-2025 Capital Project Plan includes $705,000 in paving projects and $583,770 in sidewalk improvements. There is also $371,000 set aside for storm and sanitary system and water main upgrades during the construction of the roundabout at Church Street and Trunk 4, $1,631,791 for the Active Transportation Trail, $398,790 for a new mini-pitch, $56,520 for the construction of a new trail at the Arbor Drive Park, and $15,500 to replace parking meters.
Funding sources for the Town’s Capital Project Plan include $358,000 from the Canada Community Building Fund (formally known as the Federal Gas Tax Program), $12,111,030 in provincial and federal funding, and $172,285 from the Municipality of the County of Antigonish for projects related to the Sewer Treatment Plant and sewer line upgrades. Transfers from reserve funds make up the remaining $1,817,198 of the capital project plan.
“Adjusting the tax rate is never an easy decision,” says Mayor Boucher. “But it is necessary to meet our financial obligations. Each cent in our tax rate directly contributes to the essential services and infrastructure that make our community a great place to live.”
For more information or to arrange interviews, please contact:
Shannon Long, Marketing & Communications Officer
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