To the Antigonish Community,
The COVID-19 cases in our community and across Nova Scotia are the highest we have seen in many months. The impacts of COVID-19 have never felt this close to home before and the anxiety and anger many of you are feeling is normal. This collective feeling of uncertainty is reminiscent of the first few months of COVID-19 when it first started to affect how we moved and interacted with one another in the community.
Our healthcare system understands this virus better now than in the beginning and know what to do to limit the spread. They are in a better position and have the resources in place to protect those who are vulnerable.
The best way to prevent the spread is to get tested. PCR tests are available by appointment at the Antigonish COVID-19 Testing Centre. If you have not already done so, get vaccinated. The vaccine is your best defence against COVID-19. If you are eligible, book your appointment for a booster shot. Wear your mask, keep your distance, and socialize safely.
Now is the time to step up and support our neighbours. Offer kindness and compassion to others as we move into the holiday season under these challenging circumstances and shop local to support the businesses that make Antigonish such a vibrant community.
We are all in this together and we will get through this together.
Mayor Laurie Boucher Warden Owen McCarron
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