PUBLIC NOTICE:Water Utility Cross-Connection Control Program

In order to continue to provide our residents with safe, clean drinking water, the Town of Antigonish is implementing a Cross Connection Control Program for our Water Utility.

The purpose of this program is to protect residents of the Town of Antigonish and other Utility users from contaminants that may enter the water system through cross-connections or backflow. “What we are trying to do,” explains Chief Administrative Officer, Jeff Lawrence, “is prevent potentially harmful materials from inadvertently coming into contact with the public water supply.” The provisions for the program are outlined in the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board’s Schedule of Rules and Regulations and are a regulatory requirement of our Water Utility by the Department of Environment and the National Building Code.

For more information, please read our pdf PRESS RELEASE (87 KB) and visit the Water & Sewer section of our website. 

PUBLIC NOTICE: Outdoor Fires - Dos and Don'ts

If you are thinking about capping off a beautiful summer day with a backyard bonfire in the evening, be mindful of the Town of Antigonish’s Outdoor Fire By-law. The purpose of the Outdoor Fire By-law is to ensure that all outdoor fires are held in a safe manner and do not cause a hazard or a nuisance to your neighbors. 

To read our complete Press Release regarding outdoor fires, please pdf click here (549 KB)

NOTICE: Parking Ban Lifted - Feb. 21

As of 10:00 a.m. on this date (Tuesday, Feb. 21st), and until further notice, the Town of Antigonish Winter Parking Ban has been lifted; however, motorists are encouraged to park off street during the winter months.

Motorists are also encouraged to visit the Town of Antigonish Website ( for any changes in the Winter Parking Ban, for the Public Works Dept. may undertake further snow removal on other streets in the coming days.

Any questions or concerns regarding the Winter Parking Ban please feel free to contact the Town of Antigonish at 902-867-5587

Get in Touch

Town of Antigonish
274 Main Street
Antigonish, Nova Scotia
Canada B2G 2C4

Phone: (902) 863-2351
Fax: (902) 863-0460 / (902) 863-9201

Town Hall hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
