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Council Approves 2022-2023 Municipal Budget

At a Special Meeting held on June 1, 2022, Antigonish Town Council approved 2022-2023 municipal budget of $11,788,431 in operating costs and a capital project plan valued at $ 2,294,375. Town Council’s budget approval comes with a $0.01 tax rate increase for residential and commercial properties. The residential tax rate is now $1.11 per $100 of assessment and the commercial property rate is now $2.63 per $100 of assessment.

“Our focus at the Council table is to maintain excellent service for our residents and businesses, while making smart investments that contribute to improving our community’s accessibility, vibrancy and sustainability,” said Mayor Laurie Boucher. “Council always considers and acknowledges the external pressures residents and business owners face as the cost of living continues to rise. The one cent increase was needed to help cover the loss of $60,000 in tax revenue due to the demolition of Lane Hall. The Town receives property tax revenue from all residence buildings on StFX Campus."

This year the Town will be making an investment of $581,978 in community enhancement initiatives. This includes upgrades to the Arbor Drive playground, redesign of the beach volleyball courts, the addition of an accessible ramp to the Sandlot Baseball Field, and the purchase of residential speed signs. The Town will also be undertaking $427,000 in paving costs, $223,000 in sidewalk repairs, $300,000 in bridge work, and $441,500 in upgrades for the Town’s Storm and Sanitary systems. Enhancements to Town owned assets including the purchase of a roller compactor, and street cameras, as well as investments to the Public Works Building and Sewer Treatment Plant totaling $320,897.

 The Town’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint continues to provide successful opportunities for alternate revenue sources. The Town’s partnership with AREA (Alternative Resource Energy Authority) and its 63% ownership of Ellershouse Windfarm has resulted in a $550,000 contribution to the capital projects plan. Additional funding sources for the Town’s Capital Projects Plan include $339,784 from the Canada Community Building Fund (formally referred to as the Federal Gas Tax Program), $251,562 in provincial and federal grant funding, and $83,500 in shared project costs with the Municipality of the County of Antigonish for improvements to the Sewer Treatment Plant. Transfers from the AREA dividend and reserve funds make up the remaining $1,069,529 of the capital project plan.

“Along with our extensive capital projects plan, the Town will also be finalizing our Accessibility Plan, and putting a lot of work into our beautification program for our downtown,” said Mayor Boucher. “The Town is also committed to working with our partners at the Municipality of the County of Antigonish, Paqtnkek Mi’Kmaw Nation, StFX University, Antigonish Chamber of Commerce, and DEANS on Tourism Strategy and Action Plan that will contribute to our region’s overall destination development planning.”

The Town prioritizes its community partnerships by supporting initiatives like Antigonish Community Transit, St. Martha’s Regional Hospital and Antigonish Affordable Housing. The Town’s Community Grants Program provides Council with the opportunity to assist local non-profits in their delivery of programming and events that are vital to Antigonish’s overall well-being and vibrancy.

To download a copy of this media release,  pdf click here (317 KB)

Get in Touch

Town of Antigonish
274 Main Street
Antigonish, Nova Scotia
Canada B2G 2C4

Phone: (902) 863-2351
Fax: (902) 863-0460 / (902) 863-9201

Town Hall hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
