Public Notice - January 2024 Email Billing Issue
It has come to our attention that some customers who are set up to receive water and electric bills by email may not have received bills that were sent in the month of January 2024.
It has come to our attention that some customers who are set up to receive water and electric bills by email may not have received bills that were sent in the month of January 2024.
Town Hall will have a delayed opening on Wednesday, February 14, 2024. We will reassess road conditions later this morning for a noon opening.
The Town of Antigonish is reminding residents to not park on the street in residential neigbhourhoods as snow removal equipment will be widening streets today and tonight.
Town of Antigonish
274 Main Street
Antigonish, Nova Scotia
Canada B2G 2C4
Phone: (902) 863-2351
Fax: (902) 863-0460 / (902) 863-9201
Town Hall hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm